Leipzig is in a state of emergency again this year and not because RB Leipzig is playing, but because the trade fair city dresses in delicate black, as it does every year at Whitsun. What is special about this year? In 2023, the festival is all about an anniversary, as it is taking place for the 30th time.What began with a handful of companions in 1992 is 30 years later a festival with over 15,000 fans who happily make a pilgrimage to Leipzig every year to fill a tradition with life that Gothic enthusiasts have been looking forward to all year.
Thus, the Wave Gotic Treffen for the 30th
time will again be a festival that remains true to itself, in
which, with its countless locations, parks and meeting places
belonging to the scene, it becomes an attraction for the Gothic
scene like no other and only arises from this .
I call it the special WGT charm.
A festival alone is only a festival, but the black scene loves
its scene meetings in Leipzig and it is precisely this scene
that seems to make the WGT something special and to celebrate
among the other events in Germany.
The festival
takes place in Leipzig over four days at Pentecost and the
organizers are making enormous efforts in the organizational
and logistical area to fill this festival with life, which is
also reflected in the line-up of the artists.
Of course,
like every culture, the Wave Gotic Treffen has much more to
offer than just the locations, so it is also important to
celebrate its heroes during this time.
In addition, there are many venues spread across the city that have a lot to offer. There is a choice of sightseeing, a large exhibition hall invites you to go shopping, but exhibitions, readings, fashion shows and concerts are also part of it. As part of the anniversary, it should also be possible to get married in the mourning halls of the southern cemetery. This opportunity is unique and is only offered on Saturday and Pentecost Sunday.
But the most
important thing is the line-up of the artists, which will be
well filled again in 2023 for the 30th anniversary of the WGT
and will offer bands from Mexico, Canada, the USA and all of
Europe. So these heroes are countless bands, showmen and
artists who are involved in the festival and come from all over
the world. They see their connection to the scene as part of it
and with their corresponding music and performances, they are
also a very important part of this Gothic culture.
The facets
of the different musical directions could not be more diverse.
They are made up of many styles that are as colourful... sorry,
black and varied as the people you meet at WGT.
Lord of the Lost is an alternative band from
the Rock & Metal genre, which has to fight against the
violence of normal musical taste beyond white sausage and folk
music. A highlight of the Wave Gotic meeting. The bands
Traitrs, Diary Of Dreams, Faun, Suicide Commando, Nachtmahr,
Hocico, Solitary Experiments, Cruel Daughters, Unzucht, Cattac
and many more are expected.
You can find the entire LINE-UP
here on my website.
From the cabaret sector there is also a treat this year, the Lisa Eckhart from Austria, well known to many for her special black satire. Some pearls are also bands that are represented at the festival for the first time and exclusive concert appearances can also be found in this year's line-up.
THE WGT BAND GALLERIES <concert photos on my page>
More? Choose a band photo! All band photos © 2023 BlackS Photography
"FLAMES IN THE TWILIGHT" and a medieval spectacle
One of the most popular highlights, however, is the fire show, which is reserved for visitors to the Torhaus Dölitz, also better known in the scene as the Heidnisches Dorf. Incidentally, the heathen village is also a good place to visit, even if you don't belong to the Gothic scene and are looking for a nice excursion destination at the Pentecost weekend. According to the organizers, entry is 20 euros and it is worth a visit to see the traders and jugglers at the large medieval market.
Flames in the Twilight website: https://www.flammen-im-zwielicht.de
So it's worth making a
pilgrimage to Leipzig again this year, especially for the 30th
Wave Gotic Meeting.
To get back on black paths for an exceptional festival.
All information has not yet been published, so it is worth
taking a look at the official website or Facebook page or at
the WGT-APP these days. On the APP you will receive important
changes and updates on your cell phone directly at the festival
and will always be up to date.
See you in
Leipzig and until then black greetings and always good
M.W from BlackS Photography
PICTURE GALLERY 》》More WGT impressions from
my photo archive from 2016 to 2022
Important links to the WGT:
Das Line-up
WGT Guide- Die Offizielle APP
Redaktion Foto & Artikel
M.Wernicke BlackS Photography
Article Editor M.Wernicke -
Final Editor T.Lemke - Photographer M.Wernicke BlackS
Photography - All photos in this article © BlackS Photography